Best Practices for Internet Use

Technology has made our lives easier, faster, better and more fun. However, even though technology has improved our lives we need to learn how to protect ourselves. It is crucial that we use passwords that are difficult for hackers as well as ensuring we aren’t opening any emails or documents that could cause harm to our computers or worse cause our identity to be stolen. This Learning Lesson will cover different ways to protect yourself while using technology. It is a hands-on lesson where users are shown a tool for helping to remember passwords.

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Our free Luma Learning Lessons include objectives, estimated time, materials and instructional procedures for classroom and online/blended teaching. We will provide strategies on how to use our new LumaLive technology to collaborate virtually in real-time. We include these pillars from our learning research to illustrate where they are infused in our lessons.

Interaction Types

For decades there has been discussions of interaction types in education. (Anderson, 2003) Most interaction types observed in driver training traditionally are learner to instructor or learner to content. Moreover, most interaction time with driver training and orientation is synchronous or at the same time. This Learning Strategy is going to help you think about ways you can hold training without a physical classroom.

Interaction Time

The following Lesson is broken down into two different interaction times.

Lesson #27: Best Practices for Internet Use


  • Explore and set up Last Pass for passwords.
  • Brainstorm best practices for internet use.

Estimated Time

60 minutes


  • LumaLive or similar technology
  • LastPass or similar technology
  • Computer or Smartphone
  • eNugget® on Best Practices for Internet Use or a similar online content.

Instructional Procedures for F2F

  1. AuthenticityEngagementWith all the different sites with passwords, it is impossible for anyone to remember all their passwords. With a show of hands, see how many people use the same password for 2 or more web sites.
  2. AuthenticityEngagementReview the security risks for using the same password for all sites with learners.
  3. EfficiencyExplain that sites exist, like LastPass, to help remember passwords. LastPass is free and it is 1 place to store and remember all your passwords. Have learners go to the site with their phones or with company iPads and review how it works.
  4. EngagementDiscuss the benefits of using a site like LastPass. LastPass can be activated on the phone by face identification.
  5. EfficiencyAuthenticityFor learners that have their phones with them, have them download the app and set it up. Walk learners through the set up.
  6. EfficiencyAuthenticityBrainstorm with the class what best practices they use to protect themselves on the Internet. See how many they get and the reveal Luma’s eNugget® on 10 steps regarding best practices for Internet use:or a similar online content.

Instructional Procedures for Blended/Online

  1. AuthenticityEngagementWith all the different sites with passwords, it is impossible for anyone to remember all their passwords. Set up a LumaLive Meeting or use a similar technology that allows online polling. Do a poll to see how many people use the same password for 2 or more web sites. With LumaLive, you could have the question on a PowerPoint slide and share the slide or verbally ask learners: How many of you use the same password for 2 or more web sites?
  2. AuthenticityEngagementReview the security risks for using the same password for all sites with learners.
  3. AuthenticityEngagementExplain that sites exist, like LastPass, to help remember passwords. LastPass is free and it is 1 place to store and remember all your passwords. Share your screen and walk through the web site. Demonstrate how it works. Be sure you have downloaded it to your browser before the call.
  4. Review how it works.
  5. EngagementDiscuss the benefits of using a site like LastPass. LastPass can be activated on the phone by face identification.
  6. EfficiencyAuthenticityEncourage learners to download the app and set it up. Share the link so they can see how it works. Record the call so they can refer to the recording later.
  7. EfficiencyAuthenticityBrainstorm with the class what best practices they use to protect themselves on the Internet. See how many they get and then assign the Luma eNugget® on 10 steps regarding best practices for Internet use:or a similar online content.
  8. EfficiencyHave them complete it after the Live Session and see how well they do on the assessments.

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