Luma Connection #36: Ask Learners to Reflect on Their Participation

Collaboration and connection are important for our social-emotional well-being. Importantly, Luma has conducted research and published the benefits for creating learning communities remotely. This year, Luma will provide specific strategies you can implement to connect learners remotely. We are calling these strategies our Luma Connections.

Teaching Tool: LumaLive®
Nugget the MascotThis is Luma’s synchronous or same time meeting tool. This online tool allows learners to interact with each other to explore a topic and to discuss key concepts, share experiences, interact with each other, and to ask questions in real time. Interactions are in real-time and can be mentor-learner, learner-to-content, learner-to-self, and learner-to-learner.

Ask Learners to Reflect on Their Participation

Last week’s Luma Connection focused on having learners self-assess their participation in online discussions. This week’s Luma Connection focuses on having learners reflect on their participation. Self-assessment and self-reflection and not the same.

Self-assessment evaluates one’s performance, actions, and attitudes in a snap-shot in time. In contrast, self-reflection compares one’s past and present performance to compare progress overtime.

Here are some ways to have learners self-reflect on their own participation:

  • Wins and Stairs: Have learners identify successes and areas where they have made improvement or wins and have them identify stairs or opportunities for improvement for the next discussion.
  • Last Time, This Time, and Next Time: Have learners reflect on their goals set after the last discussion. Then, have them identify how they performed during the current discussion. Finally, have them set goals for the next discussion.
  • Visualize It: Have learners illustrate and describe how they picture their progress across discussions and why. Maybe they picture a line on a graph going up some and down but still going forward or they picture themselves going up a mountain.
  • Rate It and Compare: Have learners rate their participation using star emojis after each discussion and have them compare their ratings from discussion-to discussion noting the differences in their ratings and the reasons.

Tip: Make sure that learners understand that progress is not linear and that they will experience peaks and valleys along the way, but that the goal is to keep moving forward.

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