
“How can you demonstrate professionalism?” This Learning Lesson will access what your learners think professionalism is and evolve their understanding of the topic.

Teaching Without A Teaching Degree: Luma Learning LessonsHave your heard? Our Learning Lessons have been collected into a book available for purchase on! Teaching Without A Teaching Degree: Luma Learning Lessons contains 52 lesson plans and worksheets with 106 different teaching strategies designed for the trucking industry that can easily be adapted to suit any age and content topic.

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Our free Luma Learning Lessons include objectives, estimated time, materials and instructional procedures for classroom and online/blended teaching. We will provide strategies on how to use our new LumaLive technology to collaborate virtually in real-time. We include these pillars from our learning research to illustrate where they are infused in our lessons.

Interaction Types

For decades there has been discussions of interaction types in education. (Anderson, 2003) Most interaction types observed in driver training traditionally are learner to instructor or learner to content. Moreover, most interaction time with driver training and orientation is synchronous or at the same time. This Learning Strategy is going to help you think about ways you can hold training without a physical classroom.

Interaction Time

The following Lesson is broken down into two different interaction times.

Lesson #49: Professionalism


  • Demonstrate initial ideas on professionalism in a live meeting.
  • Compare prior knowledge of professionalism to subject matter experts thoughts on how one demonstrates professionalism.
  • Capture examples of professionalism and share them in a discussion board.

Estimated Time

60 minutes


Instructional Procedures for Synchronous Training
(or at the same time without a classroom)

  1. EfficiencySend out a note to your learners before the live meeting telling them that they need to come to the meeting demonstrating professionalism. They should write down their answer to this question, “How can you demonstrate professionalism?”
  2. EfficiencyMeet up in webinar technology, like LumaLive.
  3. AuthenticityEngagementHave learners turn on their videos.
  4. AuthenticityEngagementGo around the room and have each learner articulate their answer to the question, how can you demonstrate professionalism?
  5. Use the Professionalism Worksheet to capture all their thoughts.
  6. EfficiencyShare your screen showing the Professionalism eNugget® or share your screen and share the Professional Handout.
  7. EfficiencyCompare what the group generated for the Professionalism Worksheet to the Professional Handout.
  8. AuthenticityDiscuss each item and see how they can incorporate it into their own lives.
  9. Have them reflect on this question and send you their five qualities. They can write it down and take a picture and send it to you after class: What five qualities do you have that can help you become a better professional? Encourage them to talk to their manager about additional training that can support this goal.
  10. EngagementOption: Post a discussion board for after class so they can snap picture examples of professionalism around them. Be sure they get permission to post a picture if they take a picture of a colleague.

Instructional Procedures for Asynchronous Training
(or not at the same time)

  1. EfficiencyOption: Post a discussion board so they can share their answer to this question before they engage in the content, how can you demonstrate professionalism? Have them fill in all their ideas to this Professionalism Worksheet and post it in the discussion board. Set the discussion permissions to be private so other learners do not see each other work. This promotes self reflection and accesses prior knowledge.
  2. EfficiencySend out the Professionalism eNugget® or similar online content.
  3. EngagementSet up a discussion board that includes a link to the Professionalism Handout.
    • Look over this worksheet. It outlines what was covered in the online content. Compare your worksheet and what you put to the handout.
    • Was there anything you did not list in your worksheet that was included on the handout? What was it? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why?
    • What is one thing you are really proud of with your professionalism?
    • What could you improve on with your professionalism?


Anderson, T. (2003). Modes of interaction in distance education: Recent developments and research questions. Handbook of distance education, 129-144.

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